Know your Skin Type and the Factors that Changes it Today

The Skin is the largest organ in the body. It forms a covering for the internal structures of the body.
It is composed of  3 layers, namely :


This is the outer layer of the skin. it is visible to the naked eyes. Elastic in nature & in a state of continuous regeneration. It acts as a barrier, shielding the body from external influences such as Bacteria and  toxins.
Melanin is produced here & this determines how Dark or Fair a Person is.

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Also known as the True Skin. Lies under the Epidermis. Made mostly of Collagen, Elastic and Fibril. Also, it contains nerves, glands, blood vessels, hair follicles, etc.
This layer gives the Skin flexibility & strength.


It lies underneath the Dermis. Its made up of fat and connective tissue mainly. It encloses the Bones  and Muscles. It forms a passageway for the blood vessels in the Dermis to have access to the underlying Bones and Muscles.
This is the layer that generates heat for the body when there’s a fall in atmospheric temperature.
This layer acts as a store for the body and also gives the body its shape.


Knowing your skin type goes a long way to dictate the kind of products and care required for the skin. Here are the types of skin you need to know:
1. Normal skin: not too dry, not too oily. It has no or few imperfections, no severe sensitivity, barely visible pores, a radiant complexion.

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2. Dry skin type: Almost visible pores, dull, rough complexion, red patches, less elasticity and more visible lines. When expose to drying factors, skin can crack, peel or become itchy, irritated or inflamed. If your skin is dry, it can become rough and scaly, especially on the backs of your hands,
arms and legs.

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3. Oily skin: Enlarge pores, dull or shiny and thick complexion, black heads, pimples or other blemishes.

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4. Combination skin: can be dry or normal in some areas and oily else where such as the T-zone (nose, forehead and chin). It can produce overly dilated pores, black heads and shiny skin.

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Your skin type can change over time. For example, younger people are more likely than older people to have a normal skin type.

Skin types vary depending upon factors such as:


when menstruating, starting or discontinuing birth control pills, during pregnancy, and during pre-menopause or menopause. During these times, she says, women tend to become oilier and can develop acne, but it doesn’t mean your skin type has changed to oily.

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Wrong Treatment:

Using certain treatments such as those that contain alpha hydroxy acids, retinoids, or vitamins could make skin more sensitive and cause a variety of changes in skin condition or behavior. Some of these changes include hyperpigmentation or discoloration, burning, irritation, allergic reactions, and flaking.

Semen Facial


Factors such as not drinking enough water, vitamin deficiency, consuming alcohol or caffeine, or having an imbalanced diet could affect the health and sensitivity of your skin.

Climate or Seasonal Change:

skin will make adjustments according to climate and seasonal changes in order to keep other organs safe. However, different skin types can react in different ways to weather changes. For example,  when exposed to drier climates, those with dry skin may find they need more or heavier moisturizers to stay hydrated. On the other hand, those with oily skin may find their skin actually balances out or even becomes oilier from sebaceous glands compensating for the dry conditions by producing more oil than usual.

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